Poor Axel
This is a picture of Axel from Kingdom Hearts 2. In Kingdom Hearts 2 Roxas, Axel's friend.. Roxas is Sora's Heartless. So, Roxas doesn't have a heart. Roxas has these dreams and flashbacks or Sora, Donald, Goofy, Kairi, and Destiny Islands, which is Sora's home is at. Axel met Roxas and they were best friends. Axel was trying to explain to Roxas that he is Sora's heartless. Roxas gets to like Axel and they were like brothers. It is really hard for Roxas because he will just be Sora's heartless. Later, In the game Fight...Fight.. and more Fighting.. You Should have met Namine and you notice that she looks like Kairi. Roxas looks like Sora. That tells you the part of the game. Roxas and Namine like each other, and Sora and Kairi like each other also. If you want to see the ending SPOILER ALERT*. If you want to watch it and you didn't beat it or huge Kingdom Hearts 2 or Kingdom Hearts fan. Watch It you will cry... So, Go to YouTube.com and at the top right it says search, type in Kingdom Hearts 2. You just have to look for the KH2 ending, IT IS ON THE FIRST PAGE. WELL, I Hope You like the video. Well, See ya ROXAS OUT!!!! and let U2 be with you...