The Edge and Bono (Numb)
Sing it Edge and Bono sing sing sing!!!!!!!!! Well, I shall put up one more song and it is Numb!!! Numb is a song were The Edge soing it with a very deep voice and Bono is very high-pitched. Well see ya let U2 be with you and ROCK OUT!!!!!
Don't moveDon't talk out of timeDon't thinkDon't worryEverything's just fineJust fine Don't grabDon't clutchDon't hope for too muchDon't breatheDon't achieveOr grieve without leave Don't checkJust balance on the fenceDon't answerDon't askDon't try and make sense Don't whisperDon't talkDon't run if you can walkDon't cheat, competeDon't miss the one beat Don't travel by trainDon't eatDon't spillDon't piss in the drainDon't make a will Don't fill out any formsDon't compensateDon't cowerDon't crawlDon't come around lateDon't hover at the gate Don't take it on boardDon't fall on your swordJust play another chordIf you feel you're getting bored I feel numbI feel numbToo much is not enoughI feel numb Don't change your brand Gimme what you gotDon't listen to the bandGimme what I don't getDon't gape Don't apeDon't change your shape Gimme some moreHave another grape Too much is not enoughI feel numbGimme some moreA piece of me, babyI feel numb Don't pleadDon't bridleDon't shackleDon't grindGimme what I don't get Don't curveDon't swerveGimme some more I feel numbLie, die, serve I feel numbDon't theorize, realise, polarise Gimme what you gotChance, dance,dismiss, apologise Gimme what I don't getGimme what you gotToo much is not enoughI feel numbDon't spy Don't lieDon't tryImplyDetainExplainStart again I feel numbI feel numbDon't triumphDon't coaxDon't clingDon't hoaxDon't freakPeakDon't leakDon't speak I feel numbI feel numbDon't projectDon't connectProtectDon't expectSuggestI feel numbDon't projectDon't connectProtectDon't expectSuggestI feel numbGimme what you gotDon't struggleDon't jerkDon't collarDon't workDon't wishDon't fishGimme what I don't getI feel numbDon't teachDon't reachGimme some moreI feel numbTo much is not enoughI feel numbGimme what you gotDon't borrow Don't break Don't fenceGimme what I don't getI feel numbDon't stealDon't passDon't pressDon't tryDon't feelGimme some moreI feel numbDon't touch Don't diveDon't sufferDon't rhymeDon't fantasizeDon't riseDon't lieI feel numbDon't projectDon't connectProtect I feel numbDon't expectSuggest Don't projectDon't connectProtect I feel numbDon't expectSuggestI feel numb
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