Today I woke up and thought that I wanted to beat Kingdom Hearts 2 on my level. So, I stuck in Kingdom Hearts 2 and my sister grabbed the PS2 Controller. So, Ciara really beated Kingdom Hearts 2... But on My level. It is sorta weird I beated KH2 on my Birthday party. My dad gave me a laptop a really nice one that he built and is super fast. Two of my friends could come. My two best friends came Cierra and Steph. Cieera gave me a green clock, card, and a bracelet. Steph gave me a card, pillow, Foohy markers, Foohy erasers, and some cool paper. My dad gave me a laptop super fast. My mom gave me a Family Feud, a shirt that has Tinker Bell and says MORE ME LESS YOU, a shirt that says ROCK STAR and it has a star by it, my aunt gave me a purse that has Bono on it, and from my aunt I got two Italian charm links that says my name and my U2 I-Pod. Well, I did have a great Birthday Party with my Bono cake. Well, see ya ROXAS OUT !!!!!! and let U2 be with you....
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